Class: Room

Room(roomId, roomMembers, maxPlayersPerRoom)

Class representing a Room A room is where the players are grouped together once the game starts players in the room can start forwarding messages between eachother


new Room(roomId, roomMembers, maxPlayersPerRoom)

Name Type Description
roomId string

unique room id assigned on room creation, the id is generated using uuid() module

roomMembers Array.<Player>

array of players in the room

maxPlayersPerRoom integer

maximum players per room, must be greater than 1




Name Type Description
player Player

Player object, representing the player to be added to the room


broadcastGameFlowEvent(Lobby, Event, senderId)

Name Type Description
Lobby Lobby

Lobby object, A Lobby is where all the rooms and the players' connections are stored , Think of a Lobby as the place where all the players hangout before they are matched to a room

Event Event

Event object, representing the event to be broadcasted from the sender to the sender's room

senderId string

the playerId of the sender, a playerId is a unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package


broadcastGamePlayEvent(Lobby, gamePlayEvent, senderId)

Name Type Description
Lobby Lobby

Lobby object, A Lobby is where all the rooms and the players' connections are stored , Think of a Lobby as the place where all the players hangout before they are matched to a room

gamePlayEvent GamePlayEvent

GamePlayEvent object, representing the gamePlayEvent to be broadcasted from the sender to the sender's room

senderId string

the playerId of the sender, a playerId is a unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package



Name Type Description
playerId string

unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package
