Class: GamePlayEvent

GamePlayEvent(roomId, senderId, eventName, stringData, integerData, floatData, booleanData)

Class representing GamePlayEvent, GamePlay Events are the wrapper for data transferred between players over the websocket and the udp server


new GamePlayEvent(roomId, senderId, eventName, stringData, integerData, floatData, booleanData)

Name Type Description
roomId string

unique room id assigned on room creation, the id is generated using uuid() module

senderId string

the playerId of the sender, a playerId is a unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package

eventName string

the name of the gamePlayEvent, you can choose any name you like, there is only one reserved name "EdgeMultiplayObserver"(Don't use this name)

stringData Array.<string>

an array of strings to be transferred between players

integerData Array.<integer>

an array of integers to be transferred between players

floatData Array.<float>

an array of floating point numbers to be transferred between players

booleanData Array.<boolean>

an array of booleans to be transferred between players

