Source: models/Events.js

 * Class representing an Event.
class Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {string} type type of the event
    constructor(type) {
        this.type = type
    convertToJSONString() {
        return JSON.stringify(this)
 * Class representing a Game Start Event, A game start event is sent once the number of room members reaches the maximum players per room.
 * @extends Event
class GameStartEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Room} room a Room Object contains the room members along with the UDP Ports assigned to each player by the server
    constructor(room) {
        this.type = 'gameStart' = room

 * Class representing a Room Join Event, RoomJoinEvent is sent from the server to the player once a JoinRoom request succeed
 * @extends Event
class RoomJoinEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Room} room a Room Object contains the updated list of the room members
    constructor(room) {
        this.type = 'roomJoin' = room

 * Class representing a Room Created Event, RoomCreatedEvent is sent from the server to the player once a CreateRoom request succeed
 * @extends Event
class RoomCreatedEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Room} room a Room Object contains the updated list of the room members
    constructor(room) {
        this.type = 'roomCreated' = room

 * Class representing a RoomMember Left Event, RoomMemberLeftEvent is sent from the server to the room members once a room member leaves the room
 * @extends Event
class RoomMemberLeftEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {string} idOfPlayerLeft id of the player who left the room
    constructor(idOfPlayerLeft) {
        this.type = 'memberLeft'
        this.idOfPlayerLeft = idOfPlayerLeft

 * Class representing a the list of available rooms on the lobby, This is the response of EdgeManager.GetAvailableRooms()
 * @extends Event
class AvailableRoomsListEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Array.<Room>} availableRooms list of available rooms on the lobby, an available room is a room which its roomMembers.length < maxPlayersPerRoom
    constructor(availableRooms) {
        this.type = 'availableRoomsList'
        this.availableRooms = availableRooms

 * Class representing a Notification Event sent from the server, there are some standard notifications (create-room-faliure, join-room-faliure, new-room-created-in-lobby)
 * @extends Event
class NotificationEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {string} notificationText notification text
    constructor(notificationText) {
        this.type = 'notification'
        this.notificationText = notificationText
 * Class representing a Register Event sent from the server, Register Event is when the player establish its connection with the server and the player is assigned a player id and session id
 * @extends Event
class RegisterEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {string} playerId unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package
     * @param  {string} sessionId  unique identifier of the session using the |Sec-WebSocket-Key| header
    constructor(playerId, sessionId) {
        this.type = 'register'
        this.sessionId = sessionId
        this.playerId = playerId
 * Class representing a Player Joined Room Event from the server, PlayerJoinedRoom Event is sent by the server to room members once a new player join their room
 * @extends Event
class PlayerJoinedRoomEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Room} room a Room Object contains the updated list of the room members
    constructor(room) {
        this.type = 'playerJoinedRoom' = room

 * Class representing a the list of rooms on the lobby, This is the response of EdgeManager.GetRooms()
 * @extends Event
class RoomsListEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {Array.<Room>} rooms list of rooms on the lobby
    constructor(rooms) {
        this.type = 'roomsList'
        this.rooms = rooms

 * Class representing GamePlayEvent, GamePlay Events are the wrapper for data transferred between players over the websocket and the udp server
 * @extends Event
class GamePlayEvent extends Event {
     * @constructor
     * @param  {string} roomId unique room id assigned on room creation, the id is generated using uuid() module
     * @param  {string} senderId the playerId of the sender, a playerId is a unique player id assigned once the connection is established using uuid package
     * @param  {string} eventName the name of the gamePlayEvent, you can choose any name you like, there is only one reserved name "EdgeMultiplayObserver"(Don't use this name)
     * @param  {Array.<string>} stringData an array of strings to be transferred between players
     * @param  {Array.<integer>} integerData an array of integers to be transferred between players
     * @param  {Array.<float>} floatData an array of floating point numbers to be transferred between players
     * @param  {Array.<boolean>} booleanData an array of booleans to be transferred between players
    constructor(roomId, senderId, eventName = '', stringData = [], integerData = [], floatData = [], booleanData = []) {
        this.type = 'GamePlayEvent'
        this.senderId = senderId
        this.roomId = roomId
        this.eventName = eventName
        this.stringData = stringData
        this.integerData = integerData
        this.floatData = floatData
        this.booleanData = booleanData
module.exports.Events= {